Green parents are all about living a healthy and sustainable life, focusing on preserving the planet and teaching their kids to live the same way. Their every parenting decision is somehow interwoven with maintaining our planet's health. Undoubtedly, one of the most important things we as parents can teach our kids is the importance of caring for our planet. Even though it might sound too overwhelming and challenging, it is not so. Keep reading to learn more about raising eco-conscious kids and how to teach sustainability from an early age. 

We will divide the blog into two sections: raising an eco-baby and raising toddlers. There are so many sustainable things we can do in both age periods. When it comes to raising an eco-baby, you, as a green parent, can opt for eco-diapers, which are reusable. Also, it is more sustainable if you can breastfeed your baby. Another thing you can do is prepare homemade baby food. Even though it can be challenging, you should refrain from overbuying baby stuff. An eco thing to do is focus on reusing things.

Regarding raising toddlers, you should be sustainable when doing laundry and use green household cleaners. Also, it would be good to walk more rather than drive. A sustainable diet is also essential, along with growing your vegetables. Moreover, as a parent, you are morally obligated to teach and model sustainability. When it comes to shopping, you should shop small and local. Recycling is also an essential practice and lesson to teach your toddler(s). There are fun, eco-friendly activities for kids you can engage them in - find out what they are at the end of the article.

Raising an eco-baby

Opt for eco-friendly diapers

When you become a parent, one of the first green things you can do is opt for eco-diapers. Disposable diapers are one of the things that pollute the planet significantly, as babies tend to need a lot of diapers. Babies are estimated to go through 6000 diapers until they start using the toilet. It is quite a lot, you will agree. These diapers eventually end up in landfills, where they will be breaking down for centuries. Cloth diapers are both more affordable and greener. 

Breastfeed if possible

Not all parents can breastfeed, especially those who adopted or used surrogates. However, sometimes, even parents who birthed their children can’t breastfeed for several plausible reasons. It is healthier and greener to breastfeed your baby if you can. In that way, your baby eats natural milk, and we reduce the resources and energy needed to produce and ship baby formula. 

Make homemade baby food

When your baby starts to eat solid food, it is always a better alternative if you make homemade food. It is so regarding all aspects: health-wise, budget-wise and planet-wise. First, this is the safest way to know exactly what your baby is eating, and you will reduce packaging waste. Second, food you prepare from scratch is not only healthier and more nutritious, but it is also cheaper. For example, baby food jars are cooked at very high temperatures to sterilise them, which destroys certain nutritive elements. 

Restrain from overbuying baby stuff

Things for babies are adorable, and parents usually have a hard time refraining from buying stuff they don’t need but find them cute. However, this is not a very ecological thing to do. Babies grow out of things so fast. This implies that you should pile their clothes as there is a chance that they won’t even get to wear them. When it comes to baby gear, there are so many things out there that it is sometimes hard to differentiate between the necessary things and things we don’t need. Don’t overbuy different pieces of baby gear and gadgets, as you don’t need them. 

Focus on reusing things

Being eco-aware is about your ability to reuse things and give them another purpose. For example, you can give the baby stuff you don’t need anymore to a family member who had a baby. Or you can get these things from a friend or somebody who no longer needs them. These are usually things that are in excellent condition and that were used only for a while. 

Raising toddlers

Be sustainable when doing laundry

When you have toddlers, many clothes get dirty daily, which means a lot of water and energy being used. What we, as green parents, can do is be sustainable when doing laundry. Some eco-tips include washing the clothes when dirty and washing full loads. Also, try to use cold water to conserve energy. If you have an option, you can even line-dry the clothes to save even more energy.

Use green household cleaners

When it comes to household cleaners, they are usually not very good for the environment. They are full of harsh chemicals that are unhealthy for the kids or the environment. Instead, find cleaners that have an adequate ecolabel and that are safer. You can even make some of these.

Walk, don’t drive

One of the biggest pollutants in the modern world is cars with exhaust fumes. Parents drive a lot: to work, preschool, school, market, grocery store, pharmacy and so on. Sometimes you spend your whole day in the car. Every car drive pollutes the air, releases greenhouse gases and burns gasoline. A more eco-friendly alternative would be to walk more, wherever possible. For example, type in Google ‘childcare near me’ and find a convenient childcare centre you can walk to. Find stores and pharmacies nearby. Use public transport to go to work. 

Eat sustainably

Avoid eating too much of highly processed and packaged foods. Even though kids love puddings, fruit yoghurts and snacks, try incorporating fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts instead. They are healthier, and they don’t necessarily come in packaging. You can also use reusable mesh produce bags when buying fruits and vegetables to reduce waste.

Grow your vegetables

Everybody who can should grow their vegetables. It is one of the safest ways to know exactly what you eat. You can use organic pesticides to protect both your produce and your family.

Teach and model sustainability

Kids learn sustainability from their parents. Always do your best to be a good role model and show kids by example how to live and behave sustainably. You should teach them about sustainability from an early age with age-appropriate lessons.

Shop small and local

People tend to buy too many things generally, they don’t even need. Refrain from doing that as it is not very ecological. Shop small and shop local to reduce transport costs and environmental impact.


A highly ecological and simple thing that everybody can do is recycle. It is a small thing for every individual inhabiting the planet and yet very meaningful for the planet itself. Have different waste bins for various kinds of waste.

Fun eco-friendly activities for kids

There are plenty of fun, eco-friendly activities for kids you can find online - from starting a compost bin and setting up a bird feeder to going for a family bike ride, going on a nature scavenger hunt and many more.

Teaching our kids sustainability is one of the quintessential things every parent should do. If you start from an early age, children acquire it more easily, and it becomes natural for them.